Effervescent, Dispersible And Soluble Medicines Are Bad For Health
- At December 1, 2013
- By Healing In Motion
- In Research
It’s now well-known that having high levels of salt in one’s diet can lead to high blood pressure and associated cardiovascular disease. What is not commonly known, is that effervescent (fizzy), dispersible and soluble medicines have a high sodium content. In a study published in the British Medical Journal, Dr George from the University of Dundee compared the risk of cardiovascular events (heart attacks, strokes, etc.) for patients taking effervescent, soluble versions of medication with non-sodium versions of the same medicine.
Over a million people were followed for about 7 years. After all factors had been taken into account, the results showed that patients taking the sodium rich tablets had a 16% higher risk of cardiovascular problems than patients taking the non-sodium versions. The patients on the high sodium pills were also 7 times more likely to develop hypertension and had a 28% higher death rate than the other group!
Some of you may be thinking “that doesn’t concern me, I don’t take any prescribed medication”, but what about ‘over the counter’ medication and supplements? Paracetamol, Vitamin C, multivitamins, etc. I’ll tell you what I’ve done with all my effervescent, dispersible and soluble tablets…straight in the bin, that’s the best place for them!