Meal Times Crucial For Weight Loss
- At February 21, 2020
- By Healing In Motion
- In Research
A few months ago Lopez-Minguez et al. reviewed studies looking at the effect of meal times on obesity and metabolic risk. Their findings are summed up in the following points:
- skipping breakfast is linked to obesity
- eating a large breakfast (within 2hrs of waking) decreases the probability of being obese by 50%
- a late lunch (after 3pm) hampers weight loss and has a negative effect on the diversity and composition of our microbiota
- a late dinner (less than 2hrs before bedtime) decreases glucose tolerance
- eating a large, late dinner (less than 2hrs before bedtime) leads to a 5-fold increase in the risk of becoming obese
- the timing of breakfast seems to be hereditary whereas the timing of dinner is mainly cultural
There may be some truth in the following quote by Adelle Davis.
“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”
As well as getting the timing right obviously!