Happy New Year 2012!
- At January 5, 2012
- By Healing In Motion
- In Tips
The New Year is usually synonymous with resolutions…and the resolutions are often linked to health…eating a more healthy diet, exercising more often, losing weight, etc. This may have something to do with the guilt following the hedonistic excesses of the Christmas period! Ask any gym manager, January and February are probably their busiest months of the year. People abounding with good intentions flock into gyms and ardently throw themselves into strenuous exercise routines…only to run out of steam 4 to 6 weeks later upon which they mysteriously disappear…never to be seen again…until the following year of course!
So if you happen to have set yourself some goals this year make sure they’re SMART.
If you don’t know where you want to go, you’re unlikely to ever get there.
Clearly define what you want to achieve
Eg. “I want to run 30 mins twice a week”.
If you can’t measure it, how will you know how close you are to it or even if you’ve reached it?
Use an objective unit of measurement
Eg. “I can time how long I have run”.
Setting unattainable goals will decrease your confidence and motivation and setting goals that are too easy will not give any sense of accomplishment.
Set challenging but realistic goals
Eg. “I know I can run 30 mins twice a week if I work hard at it”.
Letting others set your goals or setting yourself uninteresting goals will sap your motivation and enthusiasm.
Set goals that will enhance your life and about which you are passionate
Eg. “Running 30 mins twice a week will help me lose weight and decrease stress”.
Not setting a deadline is the best way to fall prey to procrastination.
Set a definite starting and ending point
Eg. “I will start today and aim to reach my goal in 3 months time”.
Sometimes, your desires can only be accomplished after a long time. These long-term goals are best broken down into medium and short-term goals. You’ll experience a frequent sense of achievement as you reach your short-term targets and this will be instrumental in elevating your self-confidence and bolstering your motivation. Keep in mind that life is about the journey not just the destination and that health is not a transient goal but a way of life. Good luck!
May 2012 bring you health, vitality and happiness!